Cardano Rates - Historical Market Data + 163 Currencies in Realtime (Miscellaneous)

Cardano Rates gives you the ability to create your own Cardano Ticker that support 163 currencies. Also it contains Historical Market Data for all currencies since 2017, which means you can build a fully operational and stats backed website in minutes with market volumes, daily open and close prices and higher/lower prices.

Cardano Rates also offers you a complete admin dashboard with over 40 features that allows you to control features, customize, monetize and much more anywhere.


  • Built with Laravel 5.5
  • 163+ Currencies Supported
  • Admin Dashboard with 40+ Features
  • Layout Customization via Dashboard
  • Responsive Layout
  • Bootstrap based
  • Extreme lightweight
  • Low resources usage
  • Ads-banners ready for easy monetization
  • Manage your site SEO from dashboard
  • Include your Bitcoin Wallet to receive donations in different positions
  • Dinamically display messages to your users
  • Show historical market data for all 163 currencies since 2017
  • Display historical charts for last 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 180 or 365 days
  • Control homepage ticker time
  • Track and list all tasks performed by the script

Online Demo

Please, note that admin changes are disabled in demo version
Demo URL:
Demo User: admin
Demo Pass: 123456


  • Composer
  • Mcrypt
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • GD PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension

Üzemeltető: Blogger.