Find The Pair – One Hour Reskin - iOS 11 and Swift 4 ready (iOS)


Updated for iOS11 and Swift 4​!!! “Memory Koo” is now “Find the Pair”! PROOF: Two reskins of Find the Pair have already been featured by Apple 700+ times! See details below… Hey, guys! Rebeloper here! I wanna show you how to put your app on the App Store Tonight. Not in two months, not in a week but TONIGHT. The single hardest part of a reskin business is, knowing, what source code to buy. ESPECIALLY, if you’re new in the industry… Watch the video here: IMPORTANT: Do NOT use the word “memory” in your app name. Apple will reject it due to copyright. Discussion here:… FEATURED BY APPLE!!! Food – Matching Game Download it from the App Store: \\\\\\  FEATURED BY APPLE, AGAIN!!! iMatch – a card flipping game Download it from the App Store: \\



  • Written in Swift 4 – say hello to the new programming language for iOS 11
  • iOS11 ready – embracing the power of the best OS on mobile
  • 64 bit supported – always up to date with Apple’s requirements
  • iPhoneX, iPhone8, iPhone8 Plus and iPad Pro ready – beautiful on all devices


  • AdMob Banner – top banner throughout the whole game
  • Chartboost Interstitials – full screen ads with Ads Frequency feature
  • Game Center Leaderboard – rank, challenge and share your best score
  • Rating System – smart rating powered by iRate
  • No Ads In App Purchase – boost your revenue

\\\\ Addicting gameplay. Watch the video here:

How to setup and reskin

\\ Only 29 images to reskin. Easiest reskin ever! You’ll be ready in under an hour. \\ When adding the Level System you will have only 15 images to reskin. \\ When you purchase a Rebeloper Source Code you purchase more than just a source code. You purchase the awesome documentation and constant support. Just take a look at the 35 pages long step by step documentation. \\\\   \\Got a question? Ask it in the Comments section. We answer each and every question in less than 24 hours, but mostly within 3 hours (if we’re not asleep). Customer happiness is our #1 priority. And of course, we offer a 14 days money back guarantee. \\

Change Log

10.0.0 – (30.10.2017)

• Rewrited to iOS 11 in Swift 4 – this version will run only in Xcode 9

4.0.0 – (21.09.2016)

• Updated to iOS 10 and Swift 3 – this version will run only in Xcode 8+

3.2.0 – (14.12.2015) – OPTIONAL

  • Added Fyber (files changed: GameData.plist, RebeloperKitMini.swift, AppDelegate.m, Info.plist, Bridging-Header.h; added files: fyber-sdk-lib, FyberCocos2dHelper.h/.m, CoreLocation.framework and MediaPlayer.framework)

3.1.4 – (15.11.2015) – OPTIONAL

  • Added a “More Games” button to the Main Menu Screen (files changed: MainMenu.ccb, MainMenu.swift, WorldContainer.ccb, WorldContainer.swift)
  • Improved Ads logic: if no Chartboost is available than a SupersonicAds ad is shown (if available) and vice-versa (files changed: RebeloperKitMini.swift, GameData.plist)

3.1.3 – (02.11.2015) – OPTIONAL

  • Updated SupersonicAds (6.3.4) (framework changed: RebeloperKitMini/ThirdPartyLibsAndFrameworks/Supersonic.framework)
  • Updated Google AdMob SDK (7.5.2) (framework changed: RebeloperKitMini/ThirdPartyLibsAndFrameworks/AdMob/GoogleMobileAds.framework)
  • Updated Chartboost SDK (6.0.1) (framework changed: RebeloperKitMini/ThirdPartyLibsAndFrameworks/Charboost.framework; files changed: AppDelegate.m – line 46, Bridging-Header.h – line 26)
  • Updated Documentation to 1.3 (minor typos)

3.1.2 – (13.10.2015) – CRITICAL

  • Updated Supersonic Ads SDK to v.6.3.2. (framework changed: RebeloperKitMini/ThirdPartyLibsAndFrameworks/Supersonic.framework)
  • Allowed arbitrary loads for Supersonic Ads (explanation: In iOS9 Apple has added in controls around ‘ATS’. In order to ensure un-interrupted support for Supersonic Ad delivery across all Mediation Networks, it was important to make the following changes in your info.plist: 1. Add in a dictionary called ‘NSAppTransportSecurity’. Make sure you add this dictionary on the ‘Top Level Key’. 2. Inside this dictionary, add a Boolean called ‘NSAllowsArbitraryLoads’ and set it to YES.) – Details here:

3.1.1 – (05.10.2015) – CRITICAL

  • fixed crash when trying to share on iPad (file changed: RootViewControllerInterface.m)

3.1.0 – (21.09.2015) – CRITICAL

  • Changed images
  • Changed name

3.0.0 – (16.09.2015) – CRITICAL

  • Updated to iOS9

2.2.1 – (21.08.2015) – OPTIONAL

  • Added SupersonicAds (6.3.0)
  • Updated Google AdMob SDK (7.4.1)
  • Updated Chartboost SDK (5.5.3)

2.2.0 – (15.08.2015) – OPTIONAL

  • Added Pause Panel (and functionality) to Gameplay

2.1.0 – (06.08.2015) – CRITICAL

  • Added more Chartboost Interstitial ads (files changed: WorldContainer.swift, MissionCompletedScene.swift)
  • Fixed crash after wanting to play non existent level 34 (files changed: MissionCompletedScene.ccb, MissionCompletedScene.swift)

2.0.0 – (30.07.2015) – CRITICAL

  • Removed Localizations
  • Removed Kamcord
  • Added Share button to Game Over scene
  • Added Level System
  • Changed design
  • Created “Setup” folder to simplify overall setup
  • Moved “Attribution text” set up into SetMeUp.swift
  • Added option to hide “More Games” button
  • Changed Icons and Default images

1.1.1 – (23.05.2015) – OPTIONAL

  • Fixed Sound On/Off not behaving as it should

1.1.0 – (13.04.2015) – OPTIONAL

  • Added Localization

1.0.5 – (10.04.2015) – CRITICAL

  • Updated RebeloperKitMini to v.1.0.8 to support Swift 1.2
  • Updated AdMob framework to v.7.1.0
  • Updated Chartboodt framework to v.5.1.5
  • Updated Cocos2d to v.3.4.9

1.0.4 – (05.04.2015) – OPTIONAL

  • Added ads to the Game Over scene

1.0.3 – (27.03.2015) – CRITICAL

  • Fixed bug when Chartboost ads were still showing up after the user has purchased the “No Ads” In App Purchase (RebeloperKitMini updated to v.1.0.7.)

1.0.2 – (25.03.2015) – CRITICAL

  • Fixed automatic Rate Popup bug

1.0.1 – (24.03.2015) – OPTIONAL

  • Updated RebeloperKitMini to v 1.0.6 (AdMob)

1.0.0 – (23.03.2015)

  • Initial Release

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