PW Advanced Woo Reporting Business Intelligence Reports ADD-ON (eCommerce)

Business Intelligence Reports for Advanced WooCommerce Reporting System Plugin

You know the analytics tools are either too complex, superficial or just don’t work.
You need a solid analytics software that shows meaningful analysis of your business. Something that runs on autopilot, grows your business and gives you control. Something that makes you win.
By this plugin you can get the Comprehensive reporting on sales, products and customers, In other mean Enhanced customer profiles, RFM segmentation, products leaderboard, goal tracking.
You make better decisions now because this plugin gives you visibility and certainty.
By this plugin you can focus on important business activities like marketing, better customer service, etc.

Key Features

  • Clean Design
  • Responsive Layout – Latest version of Bootstrap
  • Compatible with Advanced WooCommerce Reporting v4.0
  • Sales Heatmap : Display sales amount in multiple colors
  • Analytic the products sales
  • Display top 20% products, Best first purchase and highest refunded products
  • Display product rank and compare with last x days
  • Sales history of products
  • Products buyers
  • Analytic the customers purchase
  • Customers RFM analysis
  • Calculate Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Calculate Purchase Frequency (PF)
  • Calculate Time Between Purchases (TBP)
  • Calculate Customer Value (CV)
  • Calculate top 20% customers
  • Categorise customers in 11 different segments and decide to do business task for each segment
  • Display all of purchased products by customer
  • Display all of customers activities

Üzemeltető: Blogger.