Folio - Furniture Responsive Prestashop 1.7 Theme (PrestaShop)


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Folio Theme – Overview

Folio is a clean & minimal Furniture Prestashop theme for online furniture stores. With design minimal and focus on products, Folio will make your online store look more impressive and attractive to viewers. With this awesome theme you can use it for a lot of e-commerce websites such as furniture store, decoration store, interior store, etc.

In addition, powerful ThemeCustomizer with flexible settings, fast loading, premium modules, fast support and much more. The theme is built with new style and SEO optimized to make it friendly with search engines.

The Folio theme is compatible with the latest versions Prestashop 1.7.2.x, 1.7.1.x, 1.7.0.x

des_20_css_js_optimization des_22_tech des_23_compatible_browser des_24_customcolor_google_fonts des_25_font_awesome_multi_currency des_rating Via Themeforest new items
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