Mega Able Bootstrap 4 and Angular 5 Admin Dashboard Template (Admin Templates)

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Mega Able Admin Template – is fully responsive admin template design & developed by Phoenixcoded.

Detailed Features

  • Dashboard
    • Dashboard Version 1
    • Dashboard Version 2
    • Dashboard Version 3
    • Dashboard Version 4
  • Widget
    • 100 + Widgets
  • Page Layouts
    • Static Layout
    • Header and Sidebar fixed
    • Sidebar Sticky
    • Header fixed
    • Menu Horizontal
    • Menu Horizontal with icon
    • Header Horizontal fixed
    • Header Horizontal with icon fixed
    • Footer fixed
    • Bottom Menu fixed
    • Mega Menu
  • UI Elements
    • Accordion
    • Button
    • Button FAB
    • Label Badge
    • Grid System
    • Box Shadow
    • Color
    • Draggable
    • Light Box
    • List
    • Nestable
    • Notification
    • Panel-Wells
    • Preloader
    • Range-Slider
    • Rating
    • Slider
    • Tabs
    • Tree View
    • Tour
    • Tooltips
    • Typography
    • Card
    • Footer
    • Footer Center
    • Foother Right
    • Other – Breadcrumbs, Pager etc..
  • Template UI
    • Contact Card
    • Contact Details
    • Animation
    • Dynamic Grid
    • Generic Grid
    • Grid Stack
    • Modal
    • Portlets
    • Sticky
    • Icon
      • Font-Awesome icons
      • Material Design icons
      • Simple Line icons
      • Ion icons
      • Ico Fonts icons
      • Weather icons
      • Typ icons
      • Flags
  • Charts & Maps
    • E-Charts
    • Chart Js
    • List Charts
    • Float Charts
    • Know Charts
    • Morris Charts
    • nvd3 Charts
    • Peity Charts
    • Radial Charts
    • Rickshaw Charts
    • Sparkline Charts
    • c3Chart Charts
    • Google Map
    • Vecator Map
  • Forms
    • Form Elements Bootstrap
    • Form Elements Material
    • Form Elements Advance
    • Form Wizard
    • Form Masking
    • Form Validation
    • X-Editable
    • File Upload
    • Image Cropper
  • Tables
    • Basic Tables
    • Data Tables
    • Resposive Tables
    • Editable Tables
    • Foo Tables
  • Auth Pages
    • Registration/Signup 2 version
    • Login/Signup with Modal
    • Login 2 version
    • Forgot Password
  • Pages
    • One Landing Page – Front end Page
    • Error pages version 6
    • Sample page
    • Invoice
    • Blog
    • Blog Detail
    • Search result 2 version
  • Task
    • Task List
    • Task Board
    • Task Detailed
    • Issue List
  • Email
    • Inbox
    • Compose
    • Read Mail
    • 10+ Email Templates
  • Apps
    • To do
    • Advance Chat with separate window
    • CK Editor
    • wysiwyg Editor
    • Ace Editor
  • CRM pages
    • CRM Dashboard
    • CRM Contact
  • E-Commerce
    • Product
    • Product Detail
    • Product List
    • Product Edit
  • Social
    • Social Profile
    • Social Timeline
    • Wall
    • Message
  • Extra
    • Timeline
    • Maintenance
    • Comming Soon
    • Profile
    • Pricing
    • Full Calendor
  • 4 Menu Level


31-01-2018 - Release v1.0
 - Release v1.0 Initially
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