MsgBot - A FB Inboxer Add-on : Multi-account & Multi-page Facebook Messenger Chat Bot (Social Networking)


MSGBOT – a FB Inboxer add-on, is Facebook Messenger Bot application. You will be able to set your messenger bot for multiple pages. The bot can reply with text, post back button, quick reply, image, video, template, carousel template & so on. Setting up your messenger bot with MSGBOT will reply all your customers in messenger very fast. To use this add-on, your FB Inboxer app requires https.

It’s a multi-user add-on means you can allow your users to use this add-on. If you charge your end user for using this add-on then you have to buy Extended License.

Live Demo

Want to see MSGBOT in action? Click here

Video Manuals


Want to know more about MSGBOT? Please read our Documentation

Change Log

4th Feb 2018 : v1.1

- File upload issue

4th Feb 2018 : v1.0.1

- Multi-user messenger bot list issue fix
- Bot enable/disable message issue

4th Feb 2018: : v1.0

- Initial release


Our team is ready to solve your problem as soon as possible. We are using support ticket system for easy management of client issues. Feel free to open tickets to our support desk. When you create a ticket, please provide your envato username & purchase code.

Üzemeltető: Blogger.