Sonus - Podcast & Audio WordPress Theme (Blog / Magazine)

Sonus is a only Podcast Niche for All Podcasters. We know what Podcast Owners need because we run a Podcast called Themeforest Sohbetleri. Sonus podcast theme designed for Custom Player Podcasts, but also youtube, spreaker soundlocud and other podcast providers & hosting looks good with our design. Also we know you are using plugin for podcasting sometimes, we also designed for this plugins. (Powerpress Blubrry, Seriously Simple Podcasting,Podlove Podcast Publisher,Buzzsprout Podcasting,Libsyn Podcasting Plugin).


  • 1170px Grid System
  • Well Organized
  • Google Web Fonts(Free Fonts Used)
  • Free Icon Fonts
  • Extended Documentation
  • Home responsive design added
  • Pixel Perfect


  • Home
  • Home – Grid
  • Home – Image Background
  • Home – Responsive
  • Episode Page
  • Episode Page ( For PowerPress Plugin)
  • Contact
  • Blog
  • Blog Single
  • 404

Sources and Credits

Font Source Sans Pro

Icons Font Awesome

The Noun project Icons

Flag Counter

Via Themeforest new items
Üzemeltető: Blogger.