SugarCRM and SuiteCRM Customer Portal for WordPress (WordPress)


SuiteCRM / SugarCRM Customer Portal for WordPress is a add-on for WordPress. It enables WordPress website owners to add a customer portal in their website with SuiteCRM or SugarCRM as the backend framework and WordPress as the front-end interface. With this portal add-on, your customers can log into their accounts and create support or complaint cases for you to address them.

The cases module of your CRM system enables you to get details of all the open cases and address them priority wise. With a CRM integrated portal, you can provide a better customer experience by quickly following up and resolving on all open cases and support requests. You can integrate our Portal add-on with your existing Suite/SugarCRM WordPress system. So, no need to invest into extra plugins for providing a support portal to your customers.

Built with Latest Technology

This plugin is built with wordpress and suite/sugar REST API with all other latest technologies

Üzemeltető: Blogger.