WooRestaurant | Woocommerce Restaurant (eCommerce)

What is it & What does it do:

WooRestaurant | Woocommerce Restaurant is a Woocommerce addon. This plugin will make your store most user frendly.

How does it work:

This plugin will present all the products in store at single place in most user friendly manner. So that customer no needs to search or navigate for desired product through the website.

By making the customer experience smooth and easy while shopping, you will get more orders and repeated customers. So why wait, simply install this awesome plugin and have a great business.


  • Make your WooCommerce store more userfriendly!!
  • Simplify your customers shopping experience


URL : http://wp.xperts.club/woorestaurant/

Updates & Change log

= 1.0 - 2018.02.03 =
* Initial release!

Üzemeltető: Blogger.